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Brimful of Sikhi

Creating informative and simple PowerPoints to educate both staff and students in Sikhi (Sikhism) and raising awareness on cultural and religious events.

Creating informative and simple PowerPoints to educate both staff and students in Sikhi (Sikhism) and raising awareness on cultural and religious events.
What is the Sikh Festival of Vaisakhi?

What is the Sikh Festival of Vaisakhi?

This PowerPoint is informative and easy to follow for both staff and students. The aim is to educate students about what is Vaisakhi, the Vaisakhi Parade (Nagar Kirtan) in Slough and how it is celebrated. There are three videos on the PowerPoint and additional keywords and meaning. Understanding this festival in PSHE and Religious Education enhances our healthy relationships, community cohesion, diversity, SMSC, British Values and elements of living in the wider world. This can be used for Assembly, Tutor Time or PSHE and RE lessons. Feel free to change the PowerPoint to whereever your local Vaisakhi Parade is being held.